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How to set up Spring Kafka test using EmbeddedKafkaRule/ EmbeddedKafka to fix TopicExistsException Intermittent Error?

I have been having issues with testing my Kafka consumer and producer. The integration tests fail intermittently with TopicExistsException.

This is how my current test class - UserEventListenerTest looks like for one of the consumers:

@SpringBootTest(properties = ["application.kafka.user-event-topic=user-event-topic-UserEventListenerTest",
class UserEventListenerTest {
    private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(javaClass)

    private lateinit var userEventTopic: String

    private lateinit var kafkaConfigProperties: KafkaConfigProperties

    private lateinit var embeddedKafka: EmbeddedKafkaRule
    private lateinit var sender: KafkaSender<String, UserEvent>
    private lateinit var receiver: KafkaReceiver<String, UserEvent>

    fun setup() {
        embeddedKafka = EmbeddedKafkaRule(1, false, userEventTopic)

        val producerProps: HashMap<String, Any> = hashMapOf(
            ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG to kafkaConfigProperties.bootstrap,
            ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG to "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer",
            ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG to "com.project.userservice.config.MockAvroSerializer"
        val senderOptions = SenderOptions.create<String, UserEvent>(producerProps)
        sender = KafkaSender.create(senderOptions)

        val consumerProps: HashMap<String, Any> = hashMapOf(
            ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG to kafkaConfigProperties.bootstrap,
            ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG to "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer",
            ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG to kafkaConfigProperties.deserializer,
            ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG to "earliest",
            "schema.registry.url" to kafkaConfigProperties.schemaRegistry,
            ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG to "test-consumer"
        val receiverOptions = ReceiverOptions.create<String, UserEvent>(consumerProps)
        receiver = KafkaReceiver.create(receiverOptions)

// Some tests
// Not shown as they are irrelevant

The UserEventListener class consumes a message from user-event-topic-UserEventListenerTest and publishes a message to some-topic-after-UserEvent.

As you can see from the setup, I have a test producer that will publish a message to user-event-topic-UserEventListenerTest so that I can test whether UserEventListener consumes the message and a test consumer that will consume the message from the some-topic-after-UserEvent so that I can see if UserEventListener publishes a message to some-topic-after-UserEvent after processing the record.

The KafkaConfigProperties class is as follows.

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "application.kafka")
data class KafkaConfigProperties(
    var bootstrap: String = "",
    var schemaRegistry: String = "",
    var deserializer: String = "",
    var userEventTopic: String = "",

And the application.yml looks like this.

    user-event-topic: "platform.user-events.v1"
    bootstrap: "localhost:9092"
    schema-registry: "http://localhost:8081"
    deserializer: com.project.userservice.config.MockAvroDeserializer

Error logs

com.project.userservice.user.UserEventListenerTest > initializationError FAILED
        at org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker.createTopics(
        at org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker.lambda$createKafkaTopics$4(
        at org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker.doWithAdmin(
        at org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker.createKafkaTopics(
        at org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker.afterPropertiesSet(
        at org.springframework.kafka.test.rule.EmbeddedKafkaRule.before(
        at com.project.userservice.user.UserEventListenerTest.setup(UserEventListenerTest.kt:62)

        Caused by:
        java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicExistsException: Topic 'user-event-topic-UserEventListenerTest' already exists.
            at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl.wrapAndThrow(
            at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl.access$000(
            at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl$SingleWaiter.await(
            at org.apache.kafka.common.internals.KafkaFutureImpl.get(
            at org.springframework.kafka.test.EmbeddedKafkaBroker.createTopics(
            ... 6 more

            Caused by:
            org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TopicExistsException: Topic 'user-event-topic-UserEventListenerTest' already exists.

What I have tried:

  • Use different bootstrap server address in each test by specifying the bootstrap configuration, e.g. @SpringBootTest(properties = ["application.kafka.bootstrap=localhost:2345"])
  • Use different topic names in each test by overwriting the topic configuration via @SpringBootTest just like the bootstrap server overwrite in the previous bullet point
  • Add @DirtiesContext to each test class

Package versions

  • Kotlin 1.3.61
  • Spring Boot - 2.2.3.RELEASE
  • io.projectreactor.kafka:reactor-kafka:1.2.2.RELEASE
  • org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka-test:2.3.4.RELEASE (test implementation only)


I have multiple test classes that use EmbeddedKafkaRule and are set up more or less the same away. For each of them, I specify different kafka bootstrap server address and topic names, but I still see the TopicAlreadyExists exceptions intermittently.

What can I do to make my test classes consistent?


  • I specify different kafka bootstrap server address and topic names, but I still see the TopicAlreadyExists exceptions intermittently

    That makes no sense; if they have a new port each time, and especially new topic names, it's impossible for the topic(s) to already exist.

    Some suggestions:

    1. Since you are using JUnit5, don't use the JUnit4 EmbeddedKafkaRule, use EmbeddedKafkaBroker instead; or simply add @EmbeddedKafka and the broker will be added as a bean to the Spring application context and its life cycle managed by Spring (use @DirtiesContext to destroy); for non-Spring tests, the broker will be created (and destroyed) by the JUnit5 EmbeddedKafkaCondition and is available via EmbeddedKafkaCondition.getBroker().
    2. Don't use explicit ports; let the broker use its default random port and use embeddedKafka.getBrokersAsString() for the bootstrap servers property.
    3. If you must manage the brokers yourself (in @BeforeAll), destroy() them in @AfterAll.