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How to print user specific text from a txt file

Could someone help me with getting my program to print user specific information based on which user is logged into the program from info on a txt file. I have a menu in my program which only displays the current users tasks by typing in "vm". This is supposed to show only the tasks assigned to the user. I was able to show the user all tasks for all users but how would I extract only user specific info from a txt file.

The txt file is as follows:

User assigned to task:


Task Title :


Task Description:

Help Granny

Task Due Date:


Date Assigned:


Task Completed:



User assigned to task:


Task Title :


Task Description:

Walk the dog

Task Due Date:


Date Assigned:


Task Completed:


How would I finish my last line of code if I just wanted to print the task for johndoe

The code I have so far is as follows:

import datetime
users = {}
with open ('user.txt', 'rt')as username:
    for line in username:
        username, password = line.split(",")
        users[username.strip()] = password.strip()  # strip removes leading/trailing whitespaces

uinput = input("Please enter your username:\n")
while uinput not in users:
    print("Username incorrect.")
    uinput = input("Please enter a valid username:\n")

if uinput in users:
            print ("Username correct")

with open('user.txt', 'rt') as password:
    for line in password:
        username, password = line.split(",")
        users[password.strip()] = username.strip()  # strip removes leading/trailing whitespaces

uinput2 = input("Please enter your password:\n")
while uinput2 not in users:
    print("Your username is correct but your password is incorrect.")
    uinput2 = input("Please enter a valid password:\n")

if uinput2 in users:
    password2 = ("Password correct")
    print (password2)

if password2 == ("Password correct"):
        menu = (input("\nPlease select one of the following options:\nr - register user\na - add task\nva - view all tasks\nvm - view my tasks\ne - exit\n"))
        if menu == "r" or menu == "R":
                    new_user = (input("Please enter a new user name:\n"))
                    new_password = (input("Please enter a new password:\n"))
                    with open ('user.txt', 'a')as username:
                            username.write("\n" + new_user + ", " + new_password)
        elif menu == "a" or menu == "A":
            task = input("Please enter the username of the person the task is assigned to.\n")
            while task not in username:
                task = input("Username not registered. Please enter a valid username.\n")

                task_title = input("Please enter the title of the task.\n")
                task_description = input("Please enter the task description.\n")
                task_due = input("Please input the due date of the task. (yyyy-mm-dd)\n")
                date =
                task_completed = False
                if task_completed == False:
                    task_completed = "No"
                    task_completed = ("Yes")
                with open('tasks.txt', 'a') as task:
                    task.write("\nUser assigned to task:\n" + uinput + "\nTask Title :"  + "\n" + task_title + "\n" + "Task Description:\n" + task_description + "\n" + "Task Due Date:\n" + task_due + "\n" + "Date Assigned:\n" + str(date) + "\n" + "Task Completed:\n" + task_completed + "\n") 

        elif menu == "va" or menu == "VA":
            all_tasks = open('tasks.txt', 'r')
            text =
        elif menu == "vm" or menu == "VM"

Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you


  • This piece of code uses regex and extracts the desired fields from the kind of text file you have pasted above. I copied the exact content you have posted into a text file. I named the file as sample_text.txt

    Option 1: This will extract all the user names, the task and the task description they are assigned with.

    import re
    with open('sample_text.txt','r') as fl:
        lst = re.findall('.*\n*(User assigned to task:).*\n*(.*)\n*(Task Title :)\n*(.*)\n*(Task Description:)\n*(.*)\n*',
    for item in lst:
        print(f'"{item[1]}" is assigned with "{item[5]}"')
    > "admin" is assigned to "Help Granny"
      "johndoe" is assigned to "Walk the dog"

    Option 2: This will ask you the user name you are interested in and then will extract those user details only.

    import re
    name = input('Enter the name of the user:')
    with open('sample_text.txt','r') as fl:
        lst = re.findall('.*\n*User assigned to task:.*\n*(' + re.escape(name) + ')\n*Task Title :\n*(.*)\n*Task Description:\n*(.*)\n*',
    for item in lst:
        print(f'"{item[0]}" is assigned with task "{item[1]}" and task description "{item[2]}"')
    > Enter the name of the user:johndoe
    > "johndoe" is assigned with task "Walk" and task description "Walk the dog"