I am trying to follow this tutorial: https://medium.com/@natu.neeraj/training-a-keras-model-on-google-cloud-ml-cb831341c196
to upload and train a Keras model on Google Cloud Platform, but I can't get it to work.
Right now I have downloaded the package from GitHub, and I have created a cloud environment with AI-Platform and a bucket for storage.
I am uploading the files (with the suggested folder structure) to my Cloud Storage bucket (basically to the root of my storage), and then trying the following command in the cloud terminal:
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training JOB1
But I get errors, first the cloudml-gpu.yaml file can't be found, it says "no such folder or file", and trying to just remove it, I get errors because it says the --init--.py file is missing, but it isn't, even if it is empty (which it was when I downloaded from the tutorial GitHub). I am Guessing I haven't uploaded it the right way.
Any suggestions of how I should do this? There is really no info on this in the tutorial itself.
I have read in another guide that it is possible to let gcloud package and upload the job directly, but I am not sure how to do this or where to write the commands, in my terminal with gcloud
command? Or in the Cloud Shell in the browser? And how do I define the path where my python files are located?
Should mention that I am working with Mac, and pretty new to using Keras and Python.
The issue with the GPU is solved now, it was something so simple as, my google cloud account had GPU settings disabled and needed to be upgraded.