I'm testing a CNN model based on the cifar10 keras dataset. So, basically
prediction = mymodel.predict(x)
prints out the prediction itself:
[[3.3675440e-04 5.7650192e-07 2.5850117e-02 5.4446888e-01 7.0444457e-02
1.7459875e-01 3.5874096e-03 1.8062484e-01 1.2066155e-06 8.6996079e-05]]
What's the correct syntax, given the cifar10 class labels
classes = ['airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer', 'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck']
to print the predicted label instead?
In your case it should be something like that:
prediction = mymodel.predict(x)
# return position of max:
max_position = np.argmax(prediction)
prediction_label = classes[max_position]