From a raw video source I'm trying to stream jpeg images to html as fast as possible in a embedded platform/board using linux.
At the gstreamer side I can see that the jpeg image is updated at ~37fps the pipeline looks like this:
appscr -> videoconvert -> jpegenc -> multifilesink
based in this question I created the next embedded html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='UTF-8' />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
<img id="snapshot" src="snapshot.jpeg"/>
and the java script:
$(function() {
function refreshImage(){
$("#snapshot").attr("src", 'snapshot.jpeg?' + Math.random());
setTimeout(refreshImage, 20);
Opening a web browser from a PC and typing the platform/board IP I can see the video stream, but the problem is that the image is updated too slow and I would expect a more fluid/fast video given the source frame rate (37fps).
does anyone know what could be the reason why the update is slow?
I think this deserves proper analysis since it is interesting subject (at least for me).
Testing environment
I completely replicated scenario on 2 PCs within same LAN.
PC 1 is creating jpeg images from live stream with following pipeline
gst-launch-1.0 -v rtspsrc location="rtsp://" \
! rtph264depay ! avdec_h264 \
! timeoverlay halignment=right valignment=bottom \
! videorate ! video/x-raw,framerate=37000/1001 ! jpegenc ! multifilesink location="snapshot.jpeg"
and serving index.html, app.js and (endlessly updated) snapshot.jpeg with python's simple http server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
PC 2 is accessing index.html using Chrome browser (with developer tools window) and showing images.
For testing purposes
in gstreamer pipeline that adds timestamp on each image in right bottom corner.Analysis of test results
Here is browser's network log
Time column shows periods (in ms) that browser spends to fetch (download) one image from server. Those periods are not always the same with average of ~100ms for images with size ~87KB.
Fetch time interval actually includes:
1st and 3rd interval are directly depend on "internet" environment: if browser is "farther" away from server interval will be greater.
2nd interval is proportional to server "speed": how fast server can read images from disk and handle HTTP request/response
There is another interval proportional to "speed" of PC which runs browser: how fast PC can handle HTTP GET request/response and re-render image.
There are many unavoidable delay intervals that depend on testing environment - internet and capabilities of server machine and client machine with browser - and your code in browser is executing as fast as it possibly can.
In any case, 37 fps sounds like some live stream video. There are specialized protocols to stream video that can be shown in browser (e.g. MPEG DASH or HLS) by serving video chunk-by-chunk (where each chunk contains many video frames).