I have a tableA with one of the string columns (rawData) and I have a table-valued function (functionA) that functions will accept 'rawData' as an input parameter and returns five new fields. what will that function do? - this will do some string manipulation and split some data into five values
My motive is to select that string column (rawData) and also pass that table-valued function (functionA) and get those five new fields for every row in tableA
Here is the sample:
(Select * from function (rawData))
from tableA
my expectations are I should get every row with that values from functionA along with rawData, but I'm getting below error:
Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.
How do I achieve this?
You would use a CROSS APPLY:
SELECT a.rawData, b.*
FROM TableA a
CROSS APPLY FunctionA(a.rawdata) b