I very like the possibility to use Liquid variables in Jekyll frontmatter through the jekyll-liquify plugin:
module LiquidFilter
def liquify(input)
works great, but i want to go one step further and read the image size with the plugin jekyll-image-size from an image that is given as a liquid variable in frontmatter
image: '{{ page.myimage }}'
... so i need to implement the above parser in the jekyll-image-size plugin
class ImageSizeTag < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tagName, content, tokens)
@content = content.strip
@tokens = tokens
I don't know ruby so i have no clue how to do that, but i guess it shouldn't be too complicated. Thanks for your help!
pretty simple solution using assign or capture and a hook or the liquify plugin for jekyll:
{% assign image = page.myimage | liquify %}
{% imagesize image:size %}
{% capture image %}{{ page.myimage | liquify }}{% endcapture %}
{% imagesize image:size %}
... just needed if you want to use a variable in frontmatter to include an image from another variable and use the jekyll-image-size plugin... might be useful for other plugins as well.