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jquery functions don't work with news ticker

I'm using a news ticker for a news section in a page and I want to use prettyphoto plugin with these news but any of jquery function doesn't work when < li > items change their position.

For example none of jquery functions doesn't work when first item becomes last

Here are the codes

    var first = 0;
    var speed = 1000;
    var pause = 3500;

    function removeFirst(){
       first = $('ul#listticker li:first').html();
       $('ul#listticker li:first')
        .animate({opacity: 0}, speed)
        .fadeOut('slow', function() {$(this).remove();});

    function addLast(first){
        last = '<li style="display:none">'+first+'</li>';
        $('ul#listticker li:last')
        .animate({opacity: 1}, speed)

    interval = setInterval(removeFirst, pause);

        //Codes above are for the news ticker

        e.preventDefault(); //I assign news class to links if there is no image for the news on db but it doesn't even work

    $("#newsdiv a[rel^='gallery']").prettyPhoto({

And the HTML Result of the php functions

<ul id="listticker">
        <img src=""><a href="#" class="news">12.05.2011</a><span class="news-text">Some Title</span>
        <img src=""><a href="" class="news-title" rel="gallery[dd0]"> 12.05.2011</a><span class="news-text">Some Other Title</span>

Any idea what might be causing this or how to fix it?

I assume the problem occurs because of the jquery html selector.


  • I realized Jquery functions shuld be declared within the function which will be used so Finally I found the solution.

    Here are the codes

        var first = 0;
        var speed = 1000;
        var pause = 3500;
        function removeFirst(){
           first = $('ul#listticker li:first').html();
           $('ul#listticker li:first')
            .animate({opacity: 0}, speed)
            .fadeOut('slow', function() {$(this).remove();});
        function addLast(first){
            last = '<li style="display:none">'+first+'</li>';
            $('ul#listticker li:last')
            .animate({opacity: 1}, speed)
                $("a[rel^='gallery']").click(function() {
                    return false;
        interval = setInterval(removeFirst, pause);
        $("#newsdiv a[rel^='gallery']").prettyPhoto({