I trained an ANN model as saved it as .h5 file.Then I converted the model into tensorflow model and got 'savedmodel.pb'
and 'variables'
Then I used model optimiser openvino to generate IR files using:
python3 mo_tf.py --input_model saved_model.pb
But I get the following error:
[ FRAMEWORK ERROR ] Error parsing message
TensorFlow cannot read the model file: "/home/user/Downloads/OpenVino/dldt-2019/model-optimizer/saved_model.pb" is incorrect TensorFlow model file
Can openVINO
be used to convert ANN
models in the first place?
Unfortunately, OpenVINO does not support Keras model format.
I guess you got an error from model optimizer because your model is not frozen.
There are a lot of scripts which can be used to convert a Keras model to a frozen Tensorflow graph. I can recommend this one for example.
Hope it will help.