I have a DataFrame as we can see in Table A with two columns. The values on column A are int starting on 1. The values in column B are binary.
I need to create column C (Table B) in which: if the values on column B are 1, then get the values on column A for that respective row, else if the value on columns B is 0 then column C will be 0 for that respective row.
Example Table A:
| A | B |
| 6 | 1|
| 10| 0|
| 50| 0|
|100| 1|
| 5 | 1|
| 2 | 0|
Table B:
| A | B | C |
| 6 | 1| 6 |
| 10| 0| 0 |
| 50| 0| 0 |
|100| 1|100|
| 5 | 1| 5 |
| 2 | 0| 0 |
# create df
import pandas as pd
d = {'A': [6,10,50,100,5,2], 'B': [1,0,0,1,1,0]}
dfA = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
Could anyone help me, please? Thanks! :)
Thanks for the nice minimal working example!
I would solve it like this:
dfA['C'] = dfA['A'] # copy A to C
dfA['C'][dfA['B'] == 0] = 0 # set all positions in C where B is 0 to 0
The resulting dfA
0 6 1 6
1 10 0 0
2 50 0 0
3 100 1 100
4 5 1 5
5 2 0 0