I need to see different connection states of QNetworkAccessManager. How to do it or is it even possible with QT?
Example in QHttp, there is enum state: QHttp enum state
QTCPSocket, there is SocketState: QAbstractSocket state
Most important for me is to know when manager is connected to host and just before manager starts to upload data.
Like Phil has mentioned QNetworkAccessManager has abstracted most of the methods. To get the connection state use QNetworkSession before you work with the QNetworkAccessManager.
To get the state of the current session, use this state function ( http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility/qnetworksession.html#State-enum)
Reading the complete documentation here is going to help you much. http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility/qnetworksession.html