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Stuck at converting integers into romans

I'm trying to convert integers into roman numerals using for loop. I started the code, but I'm currently stuck here, I don't know what to do(getting errors all the time). If anyone has any idea about how to continue this code, help would be much appreciated.

roman_digits = {1000: "M", 900: "CM", 500: "D", 400: "CD", 100: "C", 90: "XC", 50: "L", 40: "XL", 10: "X", 9: "IX", 5: 'V', 4: "IV", 1: "I"}

empty = ""
rand_num = 153

for nums, alpha in roman_digits.items():
    if rand_num <= nums:
        empty += alpha
        rand_num -= nums


this code is not working


  • Your algorithm needs to alter the value of the input number at some point. For example, with input like 1053, on the first iteration you will discover M. At this point you are no longer interested in the 1000 place — you need the rest — 53. So you can add M to your output and continue on looking for 53. Then you find L and continue looking for 3. Something like this might get it going in a good direction:

    def rn(rand_num):
        empty = ""
        while rand_num > 0:
            for nums, alpha in roman_digits.items():
                if rand_num >= nums:
                    empty += alpha
                    rand_num -= nums  # change rand_nums
        return empty