I am trying to select several item in a slicer for a pivot table.
I created an array with all items which should be chosen. My code only selects one item.
For cnt = UBound(Visible_Both_Years) To 0 Step -1
'filled array
MsgBox Visible_Both_Years(cnt)
'Loop through filter
With k
For Each l In .PivotItems
Select Case l.Name
Case Is = Visible_Both_Years(cnt)
l.Visible = True
Case Else
l.Visible = False
End Select
End With
I am a newbie in VBA.
There's no need to loop through your array, try...
'Loop through filter
With k
.ClearAllFilters 'clear any existing filters
For Each l In .PivotItems
If IsError(Application.Match(l.Name, Visible_Both_Years, 0)) Then
l.Visible = False
End If
End With
Hope this helps!