I'm currently reading up on binary and hexadecimal number manipulation and I'm finding it difficult to complete a task and was wondering if anyone can help clarify this question for me.
I have a hexadecimal number '04831037' and I need to replace the first number (0) with a '1' via a Pascal program. I'm not sure how to go about doing this.
I know how to convert an integer into a hexadecimal value via:
iNumber : Integer;
iNumber := 75698231;
writeln(IntToHex(iNumber, 8));
> Output: 04831037
But now I am confused on how to replace a single number in the output. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hexadecimal numbers are of base 16, i.e. each digit represents a value 0..15.
To form a value of ex. 16, i.e. $10 following expression could be used: (Note: the $ sign means that the value is a hexadecimal value)
16 = $10 = 1*161 + 0*160
The value 28 ($1C) is expressed by:
28 = $1C = 1*161 + 12*160
To add $10000000 to a number, use
$10000000 = 1*167
In code that would look like:
iNumber := iNumber + $10000000;
Lets look at the question:
I have a hexadecimal number '04831037' and I need to replace the first number (0) with a '1'
This means you will first subtract the number with $00000000 and then add $10000000.
In code that would be:
iNumber := $04831037;
iNumber := iNumber - $00000000 + $10000000;
WriteLn(IntToHex(iNumber,8)); // Writes '14831037'