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Cocoapod library - Maintaining Multiple versions

I have a library that i published with coco pods, that i want to redesign and publish a new version.

The current version of the pod is 1.2.9.

I publish my new redesign version with a higher version number, something like 2.0.0, but if there is a bug or issue with the old version that i need to fix i want to keep maintaining the old version.

Is there a way that I publish a redesign version but can keep pushing an old version fixes versions?


  • You can set ranges for a different version on your podfile.

    We can take your pod as an example. Your new version is anything above 2.0, and the old version is anything below that. so you can keep updating the old version to 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and so on.

    What you need to do, is to guide your users to add the appropriate line to their podfile:

    # Old version
    pod 'YourPodName', '< 2.0'
    # New version
    pod 'YourPodName', '>= 2.0'