I am trying a script to find out the characters between the metacharacter "|". I tried to get the position of the first and the succeeding "|" metacharacter and tried to print the string between those two positions. Below is the code I tried:
File : | A| B| Count| D| E|
Expected output : A B Count D E
if($line =~ /\|/)
while ($line =~ m/\|/g)
my $start_pos = $-[0];
my $end_pos = $+[0];
my $hit_pos = "$start_pos - $end_pos";
my $char = substr($line, $start_pos, $end_pos);
if($char =~/\w/){
print "$char\n";
Using split
my $line = '| A| B| Count| D| E|';
my @fields = split(/\|/, $line, -1);
shift(@fields); # Ignore stuff before first "|"
pop(@fields); # Ignore stuff after last "|"
say "<$_>" for @fields;
< A>
< B>
< Count>
< D>
< E>
Using a regex match:
my $line = '| A| B| Count| D| E|';
my @fields = $line =~ / \| ([^|]*) (?=\|) /xg;
say "<$_>" for @fields;
< A>
< B>
< Count>
< D>
< E>
Using a regex match (alternative):
my $line = '| A| B| Count| D| E|';
while ($line =~ / \| ([^|]*) (?=\|) /xg) {
say "<$1>";
< A>
< B>
< Count>
< D>
< E>