I'm getting Crashlytics crash reports while using ISO8601DateFormatter with the formatOptions .withFractionalSeconds
to parse strings like this
to date with this code:
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
result = formatter.date(from: string)
the crash message I'm getting is:
Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException
Invalid parameter not satisfying: formatOptions == 0 || !(formatOptions & ~(NSISO8601DateFormatWithYear | NSISO8601DateFormatWithMonth | NSISO8601DateFormatWithWeekOfYear | NSISO8601DateFormatWithDay | NSISO8601DateFormatWithTime | NSISO8601DateFormatWithTimeZone | NSISO8601DateFormatWithSpaceBetweenDateAndTime | NSISO8601DateFormatWithDashSeparatorInDate | NSISO8601DateFormatWithColonSeparatorInTime | NSISO8601DateFormatWithColonSeparatorInTimeZone | NSISO8601DateFormatWithFullDate | NSISO8601DateFormatWithFullTime | NSISO8601DateFormatWithInternetDateTime))
Seems that this crash caused by the option .withFractionalSeconds
in iOS 11.0.* and 11.1.*.
To fix this you should change #available(iOS 11.0, *)
to #available(iOS 11.2, *)
More Details:
Although the struct ISO8601DateFormatter.Options
is available since iOS 10.0+, and the option itself static var withFractionalSeconds: ISO8601DateFormatter.Options { get }
is available since iOS 11.0+. Read Here and Here
Using the option .withFractionalSeconds "crashes up to 11.2. it is fixed in 11.2+". regarding this comment