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How to assign equations element by element in autograd

I am trying to implement an autograd-based solver for a nonlinear PDE. As with most PDE's, I need to be able to operate in individual entries of my input vector, but apparently this breaks autograd. I have created this simple example to show the issue I'm facing:

The following code works:

def my_equation(x):
    eq = x
    return eq

x = np.random.randn(2,)
jac = autograd.jacobian(my_equation)
jacval = jac(x)

The following code does not work:

def my_equation(x):
    eq = x
    # This breaks the code, although is a 
    # trivial line
    eq[1] = x[1]
    return eq

x = np.random.randn(2,)
jac = autograd.jacobian(my_equation)
jacval = jac(x)

I've read in a couple of places that you can't assign elements in autograd. Is this actually true. Is there any workaround? Or maybe another library to suggest?

Thank you!


  • Indeed, array indexing assignment is not possible in autograd. People have written PDE solvers in autograd (see so perhaps there is a way to solve your problem while staying in autograd.

    JAX appears to offer a workaround with the jax.ops package (see and

    It appears that array indexing is possible in PyTorch. That suggests PyTorch would be your way to go. The following code works.

    import torch
    def f(x):
        eq = 2*x 
        eq[0] = x[0] 
        return eq
    x = torch.rand(4, requires_grad=True) 
    y = f(x)
    z = torch.sum(y)
    print(x.grad) # prints [1., 2., 2., 2.]

    "Or maybe another library to suggest?"

    Take a look at dolfin-adjoint. If you can write your PDE solver in FEniCS, then it could be helpful.

    Note that a naive back propagation through a non-linear equation solver might be an inefficient way to compute the derivatives of a scalar loss function, see for a pretty solid tutorial on the adjoint method, including for nonlinear problems.