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Convert HTML to PDF in ASP.NET MVC

Im working in a project which requires current html page to convert in pdf and that pdf will automatically save on button click on server and its reference will be save in database.I can convert the view if its data comes from data base but the data in this form is static that means on the view it has so many radio button and text box in which i can write the detail and check the check box on after clicking save button it will save on the server and and its reference will save in the data base.

the reason is that im not saving the data in database is that the report is less use full for the client but if i save the data in data base then the database become very huge and its become complicate to handle. because the report has approx 100 fields. so please if any one can help me in it.


  • I have used Canvas to PDF and that worked great for me. Here is the perfect tutorial for the same:

    Thank you everyone.