I have a need to generate two header rows to an existing csv file because the system where the csv will be uploaded needs the two header rows. The csv file will contain data that I want to keep.
I have been testing a powershell script to do this, and I can write a single row of headers, but am struggling to write two rows.
Below is the powershell script I am currently trying to build out.
$file = "C:\Users\_svcamerarcgis\Desktop\Test.csv"
$filedata = import-csv $file -Header WorkorderETL 'n ICFAORNonICFA, WONUmber, Origin
$filedata | export-csv $file -NoTypeInformation
The end result I'm looking for should be as follows:
The sole purpose of Import-Csv
's -Header
parameter is to provide an array of column names to serve as the property names of the custom objects that the CSV rows are parsed into - you cannot repurpose that for special output formatting for later exporting.
You can use the following approach instead, bypassing the need for Import-Csv
and Export-Csv
altogether (PSv5+):
$file = 'C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Scripts\StackTesting\Test.csv'
# Prepend the 2-line header to the existing file content
# and save it back to the same file
# Adjust the encoding as needed.
'@ + (Get-Content -Raw $file) | Set-Content $file -NoNewline -Encoding utf8
To be safe, be sure to create a backup of the original file first. Since the file is being read (in full) and rewritten in the same pipeline, there's a hypothetical chance of data loss if writing back to the input file get interrupted.