I am modifying some Python 2.7 code to be compatible with Python 3.7. I made as many edits as I could, until this happens:
C:\Users\AyazA\Desktop\schema-games>python schema_games/breakout/play.py StandardBreakout
pygame 1.9.6
Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html
[34mStarting interactive game. Press <ESC> at any moment to terminate.[0m
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "schema_games/breakout/play.py", line 93, in <module>
play_game(getattr(games, variant), debug=debug, cheat_mode=cheat_mode)
File "schema_games/breakout/play.py", line 54, in play_game
play(env, fps=fps, keys_to_action=keys_to_action, zoom=ZOOM_FACTOR)
File "C:\Python37\lib\site-packages\gym\utils\play.py", line 79, in play
File "C:\Users\AyazA\Desktop\schema-games\schema_games\breakout\core.py", line 301, in reset
File "C:\Users\AyazA\Desktop\schema-games\schema_games\breakout\core.py", line 473, in layout_sanity_check
all_occupied_nzis = [nzi for obj in considered_objects
File "C:\Users\AyazA\Desktop\schema-games\schema_games\breakout\core.py", line 474, in <listcomp>
for nzi in obj.offset_nzis if obj.visible]
File "C:\Users\AyazA\Desktop\schema-games\schema_games\breakout\objects.py", line 190, in offset_nzis
offset_nzis_from_position(self._nzis, self._position)
File "C:\Users\AyazA\Desktop\schema-games\schema_games\breakout\utils.py", line 57, in offset_nzis_from_position
return zip(*(np.add(nzis, np.array(pos))).T)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'zip' and 'int'
I tried unzipping the contents of the zipped tuple, but it was of no use. I tried even further to look into forcing the two to add (both pos
and nzis
are of type ndarray
), only to not work. Is this another Python 2.7 incompatibility that I am missing? Here is the source code and the corresponding repository that I forked from
False alarm. It was a collection of problems in the file itself. There were many instances of the zip
function that needed to be replaced with list(zip)