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Python C Extension Exposing a Capsule to ctypes in order to use third party C code

I have a Python C Extension that wraps the library for a proprietary product. Our company has a large amount of C code that uses the proprietary product. Instead of rewriting this in Python using my C Extension, I figured I could simply return a Capsule to Python land, and allow the user of my library to wrap some C function with ctypes.

Is this a valid approach? Is there a better one?

Here is some code to illustrate my approach.

My Python C Extension:

typedef struct {

    Foo *foo; /* The proprietary data structure we are wrapping */
} PyFoo;

* Expose a pointer to Foo such that ctypes can use it
static PyObject PyFoo_capsule(PyFoo *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
     return PyCapsule_New(self->foo, "foo", NULL);

Here is some pre-existing C code our team has written, and wants to call from Python:

void print_foo(Foo *foo)

And in Python, we can wrap the third party C code with ctypes (I learned this here):

import pyfoo
import ctypes

foo = pyfoo.Foo()
capsule = foo.capsule()

ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer.argtypes = [ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p]
pointer = ctypes.pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer(

libfoo = ctypes.CDLL('')
libfoo.print_foo.restype = None
libfoo.print_foo.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(None)]


  • It will work, but what I dislike about the approach of using void*s for opaque types, is that any void* will do, whereas on the C side, types are important and your diagnosis is most likely a segfault (or worse) if a pointer to the wrong type is passed.

    Most (automatic) binders (SWIG, pybind11, cppyy for C/C++, or CFFI for C) will generate Python types for the opaque C/C++ ones, to allow type matching.

    Here's a cppyy ( example, assuming file foo.h like this:

    struct Foo;
    struct Bar;
    typedef Foo* FOOHANDLE;
    typedef Bar* BARHANDLE;
    void use_foo(FOOHANDLE);
    void use_bar(BARHANDLE);

    and some matching library, then when used from cppyy, you can only pass FOOHANDLE through FOOHANDLE arguments etc., so that you get a clean Python-side traceback, instead of a C-side crash. Example session:

    >>> import cppyy
    >>> cppyy.c_include("foo.h")     # assumes C, otherwise use 'include'
    >>> cppyy.load_library("libfoo")
    >>> foo = cppyy.gbl.FOOHANDLE()  # nullptr; can also take an address
    >>> cppyy.gbl.use_foo(foo)       # works fine
    >>> cppyy.gbl.use_bar(foo)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: void ::use_bar(Bar*) =>
        TypeError: could not convert argument 1

    EDIT: With a bit of work, the same can be done with ctypes as show below, and thus if you expose a C function that returns self->foo as a Foo* you can likewise annotate its restype with Python FOOHANDLE, thus bypassing capsules and remaining type safe:

    import ctypes
    libfoo = ctypes.CDLL('./')
    class Foo(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = []
    FOOHANDLE = ctypes.POINTER(Foo)
    class Bar(ctypes.Structure):
        _fields_ = []
    BARHANDLE = ctypes.POINTER(Bar)
    libfoo.use_foo.restype = None
    libfoo.use_foo.argtypes = [FOOHANDLE]
    libfoo.use_bar.restype = None
    libfoo.use_bar.argtypes = [BARHANDLE]
    foo = FOOHANDLE()
    libfoo.use_foo(foo)  # succeeds
    libfoo.use_bar(foo)  # proper python TypeError