Search code examples

how to retrieve different names from same table with different ids on join laravel

I need to get names from destinations table for each from_destination_id and to_destination_id as fromDestinationName and toDestinationName

$bookingTransfersData = DB::table('transfers as t')
            ->select('t.periodStart as periodStart', 't.periodEnd as periodEnd','t.days','t.transfer_id','t.cost_round_trip',
                't.cost_one_way','t.status','d.destination_id as destinationId',' as destinationName', 't.type',
                ' as officeName', ' as agencyName', ' as userName', ' as vehicleName')
            ->join('destinations as d', function ($join){
            })->join('vehicles as v','t.vehicle_id','=','v.vehicle_id')
            ->join('transfer_offices as tf','t.office_id','=','tf.transfer_office_id')
            ->join('agencies as ag','t.forAgency_id','=','ag.agency_id')
            ->join('users as u','t.addedBy_user_id','=','')

i want to get the names of each id after this results

$searchResults = $bookingTransfersData
            ->where('periodStart','between', $periodStart && $periodEnd)
            ->where('periodEnd','between', $periodStart && $periodEnd)
            ->where('destinationName','=',$from_destination_name && $to_destination_name)->where('type','like', $type);


$fromDestinationName = $searchResults->pluck('from_destination_id','destinationName')

but $fromDestinationName return an empty collection

please help :)


  • I solved it by removing this join:

    ->join('destinations as d', function ($join){

    and add for each destionation_id a join to retrive each name and this will not work if I don't add for table name that i joined two times as to name it new name like 'destinations as d1' and 'destinations as d2'

    $bookingTransfersData = DB::table('transfers as t')
                ->select('t.periodStart as periodStart', 't.periodEnd as periodEnd','t.days','t.transfer_id','t.cost_round_trip',
                    't.cost_one_way','t.status','d1.destination_id as fromDestinationId',' as fromDestinationName', 't.type',
                    't.to_destination_id',' as officeName', ' as agencyName', ' as userName', ' as vehicleName',
                    't.from_destination_id', 'd2.destination_id as toDestinationId',' as toDestinationName')
                ->join('destinations as d1','t.from_destination_id','=','d1.destination_id')
                ->join('destinations as d2','t.to_destination_id','=','d2.destination_id')
                ->join('vehicles as v','t.vehicle_id','=','v.vehicle_id')
                ->join('transfer_offices as tf','t.office_id','=','tf.transfer_office_id')
                ->join('agencies as ag','t.forAgency_id','=','ag.agency_id')
                ->join('users as u','t.addedBy_user_id','=','')->get();

    the problem solved :)