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Private functions and Variables ExtJs4?

In my current project I am using ExtJs3.3.
I have created many classes which had private variables and functions. For eg:

MyPanel = function(config){
  config = config || {};

  var bar = 'bar';//private variable

  function getBar(){//public function
     return bar;

  function foo(){
     //private function

Ext.apply(config, {
  title: 'Panel',
  layout: 'border',
  id: 'myPanel',
  closable: 'true',
  items: []
});, config);
Ext.extend(MyPanel , Ext.Panel, {
  bar: getBar
Ext.reg('MyPanel', MyPanel);

I understand that the new way of doing things in ExtJs4 is to use the Ext.define method. So as my above piece of code would look something like this:

Ext.define('MyPanel', {
  extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',

  title: 'Panel',
  layout: 'border',
  closable: true,

  constructor: function(config) {



So what I want to know is how can I define private variables and functions in ExtJs4 similar to the way I done it in ExtJs3?
In other words I understand that the Ext.define method will take care of defining, extending and registering my new class, but where should I declare javascript var's which are not properties of the class itself but are needed by the class.

MyPanel = function(config){
  //In my Ext3.3 examples I was able to declare any javascript functions and vars here.
  //In what way should I accomplish this in ExtJs4.

  var store = new;

  function foo(){
  }, config);


  • I am not a big fan of enforcing private variables like this but of course it can be done. Just setup a accessor function (closure) to the variable in your constructor/initComponent function:

    constructor: function(config) {
        var bar = 4;
        this.getBar = function() {
            return bar;