I am trying to run GIMP using console commands. All I want it to do is rotate an image 90 degrees. I added GIMP to my environmental variables so that I can call it from a console window. I also put the picture I want to rotate in my root console directory to make it easy to open.
I read the GIMP Batch Mode guide and came up with this command:
gimp-2.10 -i -b '(gimp-image-rotate plot.png 0)' -b '(gimp-quit)'
The "0" after "plot.png" is supposed to tell it to rotate 90 degrees. This opens a GIMP output window and outputs two messages saying "batch command executed successfully". However, it never rotates the image.
Any idea why the command I have entered is not working?
rotates a loaded image and not a file that contains an image. So you have to
or gimp-file-{type}-load
calls), gimp-file-{type}-save
(caution: these calls save a layer, not the whole image)).But for simple manipulations you are better off using a toolbox designed to be called from scripts such as ImageMagick:
magick mogrify -rotate 90 plot.png