From my understanding Service Bus 1.1 was released in 2013. Azure SB is much newer. I'm looking for documentation on SB 1.1 but I can only find the new docs for Azure SB
I recently joined a team that uses SB 1.1 and I'm very new to message queues.
Azure Service Bus (ASB) is a hosted cloud service. You do not run the broker locally but connect to a remote service. Service Bus for Windows Server (Service Bus 1.1 or SBWS) was an early on-premises broker offer for the customers that could not connect to Azure. Since then, SBWS was retired and is no longer supported. Microsoft has provided an ample time frame for customers to migrate away from SBWS.
The product is available as a free download and will go out of mainstream support on January 9, 2018
The team you've joined will have to act as they are running on an unsupported broker.