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Release a SQL artifact in Maven

How do I tell Maven to also publish the SQL artifact for the DBA?

Here's the thing: when we release every new version of our Maven application, we need to publish two artifacts:

  • The web application (e.g. app-1.2.0.war file) -- for the WebSphere guy.
  • The database changes for this version (e.g. dba-1.2.0.sql file) -- for the DBA.

The SQL changes file is currently src/main/database/dba.sql, but I can change that dir or file name if necessary.

As of now Maven publishes the war artifact automatically (mvn clean deploy) to the artifact repository, and that's perfect. However, I wanted it to publish the SQL file at the same time, in the same command as well... and it doesn't.

How can I do that?

I see that we can tell Maven to publish extra artifacts (e.g. sources, javadoc) at once, so I guess it should be possible to publish SQL files as well, but this is just a guess.


  • You can use the Build Helper plugin for that.

    But the file name is computed from artifactid, version, type and classifier.

    If you need to absolutely push a different name with a different artifactId, you will need either to mvn deploy:deploy-file ... (from a command in your CI or with an ant script in the pom) or create an additional pom file and launch maven against it.

                      <!-- <classifier>xxx</classifier> -->

    link to the source: