Search code examples

How can I find a model from a value in a OneToMany relationship?

I want to be able to find a user model based off a value inside of a OneToMany relationship.

Here is my function:

async getUserViaPlatform(provider: string, id: string) {
        return await this.webUserRepository.findOne({
            profiles: [{
                platformID: id

The User model is:

export class WebUser {
    id!: number;

    name!: string;

    @Column({ nullable: true })
    picture?: string;

    @OneToMany(type => WebProfile, webProfile => webProfile.user, { eager: true })
    profiles!: WebProfile[];

    createdAt!: Date;

    updatedAt!: Date;

And "WebProfile" is

export class WebProfile {
    id!: number;

    provider!: string;

    email!: string;

    platformID!: string;

    @ManyToOne(type => WebUser, user => user.profiles)
    user!: WebUser;

    createdAt!: Date;

    updatedAt!: Date;

I want a user to be found where they have a profile which matches the provider and id. But all that seems to be happening right now is returning the first user no matter what i give to the function.


  • You need to use QueryBuilder with a join:

    await this.webUserRepository.createQueryBuilder('webUser')
        .leftJoinAndSelect('webUser.profiles', 'profile')
        .where   ('profile.provider   = :provider', { provider: '...' })
        .andWhere('profile.platformID = :platformID', { platformID: '...' })