Is there any JavaScript API available for tracking Fedex and UPS packages?
I googled for something like this but couldn't find anything. Then I decided to do it server side in ROR.
Here it is how to get UPS and Fedex xml
request and response from their test servers.
track_no = '111111111111' # This is a test tracking number
# This XML Request body for fedex
xml_req =
"<TrackRequest xmlns=''><WebAuthenticationDetail><UserCredential><Key>YOUR_ACC_KEY</Key>
path = ""
#this url connects to the test server of fedex
# for live server url is:""
url = URI.parse(path)
http =,url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
response =, xml_req)
response_body = response.body
res = response_body.gsub(/<(\/)?.*?\:(.*?)>/, '<\1\2>')
hash = Hash.from_xml(res.to_s)
And that's it! You will get response in hash variable, I converted xml
response in to Hash because we can easily use Hash object at our view to display response data.
track_no = '1Z12345E1512345676' # This is a test tracking number
# This XML Request body for UPS
xml_req =
'<?xml version="1.0"?><AccessRequest xml:lang="en-US"><AccessLicenseNumber>YOUR_ACC_LICENCE_NUMBER</AccessLicenseNumber>
<?xml version="1.0"?><TrackRequest xml:lang="en-US"><Request><TransactionReference>
<CustomerContext>QAST Track</CustomerContext><XpciVersion>1.0</XpciVersion></TransactionReference>
path = ""
url = URI.parse(path)
http =,url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
response =, xml_req)
response_body = response.body
hash = Hash.from_xml(response_body.to_s)
This hash variable contains the response of UPS Tracking Request in Hash format.