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Akka.NET logger not sending logs to Application Insights

I've set up Application Insights as a logging provider in Akka.NET and set up Akka.Monitoring to record various custom metrics (such as counting messages received and timing processing duration). This works great.

But the logs I generate using Akka.NET's logger do not get sent to Application Insights:

var logger = Logging.GetLogger(Context);
logger.Info($"Please send me to Azure!");

I would expect to see it in the Traces section on Application Insights along with my other .NET Core log items. These logs, however, do appear in my runtime output, which I assume is stdout.

Application Insights is configured using Akka.Monitoring.ApplicationInsights like so:

ActorMonitoringExtension.RegisterMonitor(system, new ActorAppInsightsMonitor(instrumentationKey));


Thanks to Peter's answer, I had to implement a custom logger for this:

public class ApplicationInsightsLogger
        : ReceiveActor
    private readonly TelemetryClient _telemetry = new TelemetryClient();

    private readonly IDictionary<LogLevel, SeverityLevel> _logLevelMap = new Dictionary<LogLevel, SeverityLevel>()
        { LogLevel.DebugLevel, SeverityLevel.Verbose },
        { LogLevel.InfoLevel, SeverityLevel.Information },
        { LogLevel.WarningLevel, SeverityLevel.Warning },
        { LogLevel.ErrorLevel, SeverityLevel.Error },

    public ApplicationInsightsLogger()
        Receive<LogEvent>(message => this.Log(message.LogLevel(), message));
        Receive<InitializeLogger>(_ => Sender.Tell(new LoggerInitialized()));

    private void Log(LogLevel level, LogEvent item)
        if (!_logLevelMap.ContainsKey(level))
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{level} log level isn't handled.");

        SeverityLevel severity = _logLevelMap[level];

        _telemetry.TrackTrace(new TraceTelemetry()
            Message = item.Message.ToString(),
            SeverityLevel = severity,
            Timestamp = item.Timestamp,
            Properties = { { "Source", item.LogSource } }

        if (item is Error)
            _telemetry.TrackException(new ExceptionTelemetry()
                Message = item.Message.ToString(),
                SeverityLevel = severity,
                Timestamp = item.Timestamp,
                Properties = { { "Source", item.LogSource } },
                Exception = (item as Error).Cause


  • A quick scan reveals that the only calls to App Insights are TrackMetrics calls. To send log messages like logger.Info($"Please send me to Azure!"); one would expect a call to TrackTrace. So I suppose the library is only useful to track metrics, not messages. This is further confirmed by the fact that the package description reads:

    Akka.Monitoring is an ActorSystem extension for Akka.NET that exposes a pluggable layer for reporting performance metrics from actors back to a monitoring system suc ....

    Anyway, the documentation does not indicate there is an Application Insights logger available.