My app has 2 languages English And Arabic which the user chooses when he enters the app for the first time. I do not use the device locale.
In the case of RTL language, I also have to change the text "Continue with Apple" to Arabic manually and also shift the apple logo to the right of the text.
Refer to the image
You are in for an almost imposible task my friend , as far as of my knowledge and also whats listed here
only way that you can alter the button name is by changing the locale to what ever you want it to be, in otherwords when you change the device language the button text will change. While you can change the button width , height and background color the image positioning is questionable but i am not knowledgable enough to comment on the image positioning. However it seems that the button positoning is default and the only way the text will change through is the locale.Refer to the link above it contains everything u need to know