I would be using the list and filter functions to create a new list containing only the odd length stock tickers. I have used lambda
before doing something similar with numbers but can't seem to translate it to words. My code is below..
list1 = ["GOOGL", "IBM", "AAPL", "FB", "M", "WMT"]
list(filter(lambda item: item[0] == "odd", list1))
I want the output to be all odd length stock tickers
['GOOGL','IBM', 'M', 'WMT']
With filter
print(list(filter(lambda x: len(x) % 2 == 1, list1)))
With list comprehension
print([i for i in list1 if len(i)%2==1])
['GOOGL', 'IBM', 'M', 'WMT']