I pulled some SQL from various stack overflow questions, to help me pull my relationships in my database. This was very helpful. (I dropped all this into a #temptable
SELECT fk.name 'FK Name',
tp.name 'Parent table',
cp.name, cp.column_id,
tr.name 'Refrenced table',
cr.name, cr.column_id
FROM sys.foreign_keys fk
INNER JOIN sys.tables tp ON fk.parent_object_id = tp.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables tr ON fk.referenced_object_id = tr.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns fkc ON fkc.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns cp ON fkc.parent_column_id = cp.column_id AND fkc.parent_object_id = cp.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns cr ON fkc.referenced_column_id = cr.column_id AND fkc.referenced_object_id = cr.object_id
ORDER BY tp.name, cp.column_id
This was done to create scripts that have Joins/etc on all my tables for all my relationships. Now I have a little bit of a dilemma I'm not entirely sure how to do this.
For example the output of the above shows the following:
It shows a parent table called Business with a series of fields called ID_BsinessCategory
, ID_BusinessGroup
, etc. They are linked to Reference Tables called BusinessCategory
and BusinessGroup
What I need to do is write a script that will create joins for me
select *
from Business a
join BusinessCategory b on a.ID_BusinessCategory = b.ID_BusinessCategory
The issue is not that I can't write the code, the issue is I don't know how to script the database to write it for me. There are almost 150 tables with comparable amounts of relationships.
Any advice would be appreciated.
This might be a good starting point
DROP TABLE #temptable
SELECT fk.name AS 'FK Name',
tp.name AS 'Parent table',
cp.name AS parent_col,
cp.column_id AS parent_col_id,
tr.name AS 'Refrenced table',
cr.name AS child_col_id,
INTO #temptable
FROM sys.foreign_keys fk
INNER JOIN sys.tables tp ON fk.parent_object_id = tp.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.tables tr ON fk.referenced_object_id = tr.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.foreign_key_columns fkc ON fkc.constraint_object_id = fk.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns cp ON fkc.parent_column_id = cp.column_id AND fkc.parent_object_id = cp.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.columns cr ON fkc.referenced_column_id = cr.column_id AND fkc.referenced_object_id = cr.object_id
ORDER BY tp.name, cp.column_id
SELECT @join_query = CONCAT(
'SELECT * FROM ', [Parent table],
' JOIN ' +
[Refrenced table] +
' ON [' + [Parent table] + '].' + parent_col + ' = [' +
[Refrenced table] + '].' + child_col_id + ' '
, '')
FROM #temptable
GROUP BY [Parent table]
EXEC sp_executesql @join_query
What the above statement does after recreating your temporary table is to build up a statement that concatinates these relationships into JOIN
s, grouping by each parent table. After this it executes the statement stored in @join_query
From here you'll probably want to add to that statement something that stores the result such as insert into another temp table or you could even have it create a view.