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i want to get selected row value from tableview and copy into textfiled for appcelerator

hi all i want to get selected row value into textfield so how can i copy the value into the textfiled. so how can i do this...my_combo is textfiled Code -:

var Tab_data = [

     { title:'Row 1', hasChild:true },
     { title:'Row 2', hasChild:true },
     { title:'Row 3', hasChild:true },
     { title:'Row 4', hasChild:true }

var tab = Titanium.UI.createTableView({


tab.addEventListener('click',function(e) {

    var ind = e.index;

        Titanium.API.inof(' Selected clicked');
        my_combo.value = e.selectRow.title;



  • 1) Create the row and attach the rowid to it, or whatever other data you want to associate to a row.

    var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow();
    row.rowId = 1;
    row.myText = "hello world";

    2) Add click event listener to the table:

    tableView.addEventListener('click', selectRow);

    3) In selectRow function, get the data.

    function selectRow(e) {
     var rowId = e.rowData.rowId;
     var myText = e.rowData.myText;
     myTextField.value = myText;