I am trying to implement something in react native: I have a url of video which i'm showing in react native video component, how can i give a button to download that same video in mobile but it should not appear in gallery. Also if the video is private where the headers can be passed and how?
How to download any file ?
Well for downloading any file like video,img you first need permission to read and write into internal/external storage of phone and after that you need a native module that can download files from server to the local folders of phone.
there are two best known libraries for downloading files
Now you can follow their documentation to download files like Videos,images or whatever you want to your user's phone.
Now Lets come to the part that you dont want it to be available to user via gallery.
For this i suggest using react-native-fetchblob
as it has builtin intent actions and views.
You can download a video file with any random name like 1234CACHE
any random name without any extension to it, specially dont give it extension like video.mp4 because gallery detects .mp4 files so dont give it any extension and the file won't be available in any gallery.
Now how to hide the file? react-native-fetch-blob allow us to save files into directories that are not publicly available i mean user cannot reach those directory and these directories are used only for saving App's data so you can save your video file in one of these directories.
Now after completing your download, You can open your file with the Intent.
For Example:-
const VIDEO_PATH = res.path() //the path where your downloaded video is saved, you will actually receive this in the response of download function.
const MIME_TYPE = "video/mp4"
//Now finally call the intent with video mime so the video will be opened in user's media player, or if you want your own media player you can use any library for that.
android.actionViewIntent(VIDEO_PATH , MIME_TYPE)
Note: You can only download a video if you have a path URL to the video file, You must not mix web URL with Video File URL, Video file url has file name and video extension at the end of the url. such as https://someURL.com/video.mp4
this is video file url, but if you have something like https://SomeURL.com/video
it is not a video file instead it is a webpage displaying that video file so you cant really download that specific video from a webpage!.