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Quill Span Blot Formatting

const  Inline = Quill.import('blots/inline');

export class Track extends Inline {

  static blotName = 'track';
  static tagName = 'span';
  static formats(node) {
    return {
       color: node.getAttribute('color'),
      cid: node.getAttribute('cid'),
      uid: node.getAttribute('uid'),
      name:  node.getAttribute('name')

  static create({name, uid, cid, color}) {
    const node = super.create();
    node.setAttribute('name', name);
    node.setAttribute('uid', uid);
    node.setAttribute('cid', cid); = color;
    return node;

I have created a custom span blot for track changes for quill, but everytime there is a new user all the attributes i.e cid, uid, name remain consistent except the background color which gets inherited from the previous span blot. I cannot see suggestions of the new user in a different color, inspite of being a different span blot . How do I perform inline styling for different users in my custom made span blot ?. This is how I add authors in my code

 author() {
     this.trackChanges = !this.trackChanges;
     const range = this.editor.quillEditor.getSelection();
     if (range) {
        if (this.trackChanges) {
          this.editor.quillEditor.format('track', {name:, uid:, cid: this.chance.guid(), color: this.color});


  • Please, check if the following example solves your problem:

    const Inline = Quill.import('blots/inline');
    class Track extends Inline {
        static create(value) {
            if (!value) return super.crate(false);
            let node = super.create(value);
            node.setAttribute('data-uid', value.uid);
            node.setAttribute('data-cid', value.cid);
            if( === 1) {
            else if ( === 2) {
            // else if...
            return node;
        // Overriding this method, in this particular case,
        // is what causes the Delta returned as content by 
        // Quill to have the desired information.
        static formats(domNode) {
            if (domNode.getAttribute('data-cid') &&
                domNode.getAttribute('data-uid') &&
                domNode.getAttribute('data-name')) {
                return { 
                    'name': domNode.getAttribute('data-name') , 
                    'cid': domNode.getAttribute('data-cid') ,
                    'uid': domNode.getAttribute('data-uid')
            else {
                return super.formats(domNode);
        formats() {
            // Returns the formats list this class (this format).
            let formats = super.formats();
            // Inline has the domNode reference, which in this 
            // case represents the SPAN, result defined in tagName.
            formats['track'] = Track.formats(this.domNode);
            // In the code above, it is as if we are adding this new format.
            return formats;
    Track.tagName = 'SPAN';
    Track.blotName = 'track';
    Quill.register('formats/track', Track);
    var toolbarOptions = {
        container: [['bold' , 'italic' , 'underline' , 'strike'] , ['track' , 'clean']],
        handlers: {
          'track': () => {
            var range = quill.getSelection();
            var valueExample = {
              name: 'Foo',
              uid: 10,
              cid: 20,
              group: 1
            quill.formatText(range , 'track' , valueExample);
    var quill = new Quill('#editor', {
        theme: 'snow',
        modules: {
          toolbar: toolbarOptions
    window.quill = quill;
    .highlight-1 {
      background: green;
    .highlight-2 {
      background: orange;
    <!-- Quill Stylesheet -->
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <!-- Quill lib -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <li>Select a portion of text.</li>
    <li>Click the invisible button.</li>
    <li>Change the group value to 2.</li>
    <li>Click the invisible button again.</li>
    <li>Don't forget to check the generated HTML structure, as well as the editor's Delta.</li>
    <!-- Create the editor container -->
    <div id="editor">
      <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris pharetra, tellus id commodo consectetur, urna tellus varius enim, nec hendrerit turpis diam eu erat. Ut eleifend enim et accumsan fringilla.</p>

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