I try to convert this to Kotlin:
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
def flavor = variant.productFlavors[0]
def mergedFlavor = variant.getMergedFlavor()
mergedFlavor.manifestPlaceholders = [applicationLabel: "${variant.buildType.appName[flavor.name]}"]
But the manifestPlaceholder is a val and cannot be reassigned, so this results in an error:
applicationVariants.forEach {variant->
val flavor = variant.productFlavors[0]
val mergedFlavor = variant.mergedFlavor
variant.mergedFlavor.manifestPlaceholders = mapOf("applicationLabel" to "${variant.buildType.appName[flavor.name]}")
Normally I could set this in the buildTypes closure, but I cannot do it here, because appName is a map in the buildTypes, where the key is the flavor name, so the applicationLabel depends both on the build type and the flavor. And I think you cannot access the flavors in the buildTypes, that's why you need applicationVariants.
I had to change a few things in the above to make it work:
This is the final result:
applicationVariants.all {
val appLabelMap = when (this.buildType.name) {
"debug" -> mapOf("flavorA" to "FlavorA Debug", "flavorB" to "FlavorB Debug")
else -> mapOf("flavorA" to "FlavorA", "flavorB" to "FlavorB")
val flavor = this.productFlavors[0]
this.mergedFlavor.manifestPlaceholders["applicationLabel"] = "${appLabelMap[flavor.name]}"
You also have to set a default for applicationLabel in android.defaultConfig:
android.defaultConfig { manifestPlaceholders["applicationLabel"] = "FlavorA"}
This is the relevant part of AndroidManifest.xml, just in case it's not clear:
Once you know how to do it, it looks easy!