I'm trying to run an example from Hyperledger Sawtooth , the code to the example is this one:
The read.me is pretty straightforward , just run :
docker-compose up
One of the pieces is the REST API for the client , which is written in python, I'm not able to start the REST API because I have the following error:
simple-supply-rest-api exited with code 127
simple-supply-tp exited with code 127
simple-supply-subscriber | /usr/bin/env: 'python3\r': No such file or directory
simple-supply-subscriber exited with code 127
For me Dockerfiles and yaml are good.
I already discarded the following issues , and tried the work around suggested :
Found this topic in this site, but I think that's not the same problem I have:
/usr/bin/env: 'python3\r': No such file or directory error is throwing in Windows
Any ideas are welcome , thanks !
I solved this doing the following :
git config --global core.autocrlf input
The issue is Git converted line endings to Windows format, and now you have extra carriage returns (^M).
An used Powershell ISE, and worked.