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because reloading the page deletes the vuex data, having used mutations, vuejs?

Currently I have the following configuration in my vuex, what I do is through the userAuth action verify the user's role and assign it to a property of the state 'rol_user', using the UPDATEROL mutation. I execute this action when I log in so that the user's role is recorded in vuex.

here the vuex configuration:

import Vue from "vue";
import Vuex from "vuex";
import firebase from 'firebase';


export default new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        rol_user: ''
    mutations: {
        UPDATEROL: function (state, payload) {
            state.rol_user = payload.rol_user;
    actions: {
        userAuth: async (context) =>{
            let user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
                let user_info = await firebase.database().ref('users').child(user.uid).once('value');
                let val_user = user_info.val();
                console.log("USER AUTH - VUEX");
                    rol_user: val_user.rol

It effectively assigns the user's role to the state property, rol_user. The problem I have is when reloading the page. When I reload the page rol_user returns to its initial state, that is empty. How can I do so that the value of the role is not lost even when reloading the page, but rather that it is changed to empty only until I log out


  • You need to use some sort of storage mechanism and check that storage everytime the app is first mounted. For example, you could store a session key in localStorage or just store the user state that you want to persist.

    Note, I do not know what kind of data you are storing, I am assuming rol_user is an object, if it is a string, you do not need JSON serialization/deserialization as I've done in the example below:

    import Vue from "vue";
    import Vuex from "vuex";
    import firebase from 'firebase';
    export default new Vuex.Store({
        state: {
            rol_user: ''
        mutations: {
            UPDATEROL: function (state, payload) {
                state.rol_user = payload.rol_user;
                localStorage && (localStorage.rol_user = JSON.stringify(state.rol_user)); 
                   //^ try to store the user role in localStorage
        actions: {
            userAuth: async (context) =>{
                if(localStorage && localStorage.rol_user) { 
                   //^ if it's in localStorage, log the user back in/update state to match what it is in localStorage
                     context.commit('UPDATEROL', { rol_user: JSON.parse(localStorage.rol_user)});
                let user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
                    let user_info = await firebase.database().ref('users').child(user.uid).once('value');
                    let val_user = user_info.val();
                    console.log("USER AUTH - VUEX");
                        rol_user: val_user.rol

    You could also use Cookies (cookies are generally more common for this purpose, but localStorage also works just fine)