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Progress Bar on forEach loop in swift

How would I measure the progress of a forEach loop and display it in a progress bar? I will be rotating vertical images to make them horizontal. The number of images to be converted will be different every time.

Here is what I am doing to convert the images which works fine, I just need a way to display progress to the user:

func rotateandSave(files: [URL]) {
    files.forEach { file in
        let path = file
        let image = NSImage(contentsOf: path)
        let rotatedImage = image?.rotated(by: rotateAngle)
        saveImage(image: rotatedImage!, destination: path)


  • Do this:

    func rotateandSave(files: [URL]) { .utility).async {
        files.forEach { file in
            let path = file
            let image = NSImage(contentsOf: path)
            let rotatedImage = image?.imageRotated(by: 90)
            saveImage(image: rotatedImage!, destination: path)
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.progressBar.increment(by: 1)