I want to trim video into 30 seconds multiple segments in android studio.I have used the following command to trim video into 30 seconds but this is not the way i want,its just trimming video into 30 sec.Is there any FFmpeg command available to split video into multiple segments in android studio of specific duration like 30 secs?
you can use this linux command in android:
ffmpeg -i source-file.foo -ss 0 -t 30 first-30-sec.m4v
ffmpeg -i source-file.foo -ss 30 -t 60 first-30-sec.m4v
with this you extract two parts one from second 0 to 30, and the other from 30 to 60. you can modify it as your need, like put it in a for or change the start and end seconds:
ffmpeg -i [source-file-address] -ss [start second] -t [end second] [output-file-name]