I'm writing a Telegram bot (with python-telegram-bot) that based on a command, cyclically sends messages to the user every hour.
I want to start/stop this using bot commands, adding command handlers like /start_cycle
and /stop_cycle
. To clarify, this is what I have in mind:
def start_cycle()
# start in some way send_hourly_message()
def stop_cycle()
# stop in some way send_hourly_message()
def main():
"""Entrypoint of the bot"""
# Create updater and get dispatcher
updater = Updater(...)
dp = updater.dispatcher
# Add command handlers
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start_cycle", start_cycle))
dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("stop_cycle", stop_cycle))
# Start the bot until interrupt
The thing that puzzles me is that for how the Telegram library is conceived, there is already an event-based logic, started by updater.start_polling()
and updater.idle()
. I didn't find any documentation/specific information on how to make this work properly with triggerable time-based events.
What would be in your opinion the best way to do what I have in mind? I looked into asyncio a little but maybe is too complex for what I actually need?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion!
Thanks to @GaganTK I was able to find what i need:
def start_notify(update, context):
new_job = context.job_queue.run_repeating(my_callback, interval=3, first=0, name="my_job")
def stop_notify(update, context):
job = context.job_queue.get_jobs_by_name("my_job")
def my_callback(context: telegram.ext.CallbackContext):