I am populating my Nuxt.js site with data coming from Strapi.
I have my navigation in default.vue layout, simple like:
<li v-for="page in pages" :key="page.id">
<nuxt-link :to="page.slug"></nuxt-link>
The urls render correctly and try to open the right page, however the page doesn't load as it's not able to load data from Strapi, for example:
Cannot read property 'title' of undefined
If, instead, I land directly on the page or simply refresh it, all the content gets loaded correctly.
So, for example, landing to localhost:3000/about works fine, but navigating to that page doesn't.
I guess there's something I am missing about how the data it's loaded in the first place.
I am querying all the pages in default.vue via Apollo to get the navigation
apollo: {
pages: {
query: pagesQuery
And only the specific page inside index.vue or dynamic pages _slug.vue querying a single one:
apollo: {
pages: {
query: pageQuery,
variables () {
return {
"slug": this.$route.params.slug
Hope it's clear and thanks in advance for your help!
After finding this similar question, looks like the solutions was to add
v-if="pages[0] != null"
on the main element, and
data() {
return {
pages: []
this seems to work, but not sure if there are other (better?) ways to handle it, so feel free to reply!