Does someone has idea how to detect if there is a cycle in undirected graph in OCaml?
Here's the type I'm using for graph:
type 'a graph = {
nodes : 'a list;
edges : ('a * 'a * int) list
And for example, I would like to check if this graph contains cycles:
let graph = {
nodes = ['a'; 'b'; 'c'; 'd'; 'e'; 'f'; 'g'; 'h'; 'j';];
edges = [
('c', 'j', 9); ('d', 'e', 8); ('a', 'b', 8);
('b', 'c', 7); ('f', 'g', 6); ('b', 'h', 4);
('a', 'd', 4); ('g', 'h', 2); ('b', 'f', 2);
('e', 'g', 1)
I managed to detect cycle by using union-find data structure.
A structure to represent a subset for union-find:
let create n =
{parent = Array.init n (fun i -> i);
rank = Array.init n (fun i -> 0)}
A utility function to find set of an element. It uses path compression technique:
let rec find uf i =
let pi = uf.parent.(i) in
if pi == i then
else begin
let ci = find uf pi in
uf.parent.(i) <- ci;
A function that does union of two sets of x and y. It uses union by rank:
let union ({ parent = p; rank = r } as uf) x y =
let cx = find uf x in
let cy = find uf y in
if cx == cy then raise (Failure "Cycle detected") else begin
if r.(cx) > r.(cy) then
p.(cy) <- cx
else if r.(cx) < r.(cy) then
p.(cx) <- cy
else begin
r.(cx) <- r.(cx) + 1;
p.(cy) <- cx
I created function for checking if there is a cycle.
let thereIsCycle c1 c2 g subset =
let isCycle = try Some (union subset (findIndex c1 g.nodes) (findIndex c2 g.nodes)) with _ -> None in
match isCycle with
| Some isCycle -> false
| None -> true
let rec findIndex x lst =
match lst with
| [] -> raise (Failure "Not Found")
| h :: t -> if x = h then 0 else 1 + findIndex x t