I am looking for a way to decode HTML Source code from a Mail message that is encoded in Quoted-Printable encoding, and wondering if that is something that can be done in AppleScriptObjC?
I know there is a built in module in Python 3 called quopri that will do the job. So I have a fall back solution. Just hoping I can do this without the need to install Python 3 on the users machine. Since the script is built in AppleScript already, I thought that AppleScriptObjC would be the best place to go looking for an answer.
The quoted-printable encoding standard is defined as part of RFC 2045
To summarise briefly and in a very general sense: non-printable ASCII characters are encoded as a three-character sequence beginning with "="
followed immediately by a two-digit hexadecimal number, which evaluates to an ASCII character code; "="
is, itself, encoded in the same way; lines can be up to, but not greater than, 76 characters long, for which "="
acts as a continuation (or soft-break) character if it appears at the end of a line.
I took a superset of these rules to ensure the sufficient conditions would be met, around which the following script was written, and is presented "as is" with out any special attempts at optimisation (for which there remains scope to have done):
#!/usr/bin/env osascript
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
prop NSString: ref current application's NSString
prop rgex: 1024
prop utf8: 4
on qp_decode(input)
local input
try # test for existence as a file path
input as «class fsrf»
NSString's stringWithContentsOfURL:result ¬
encoding:utf8 |error|:(missing value)
on error
end try
set qp to __s(result)
replace(qp, "(?m)\\h*$", "") # Removing trailing whitespace
replace(qp, "(?sm)=(\\R|$)", "") # Join lines split with a soft-break
map(qp, "(?i)=[A-F0-9]{2}", char) # Decode escape sequences, i.e. "=HH"
end qp_decode
on __s(init)
ref item 1 of {init}
end __s
to _nsstring_ from _ref given mutability:m as boolean : false
local _ref, m, t
set t to NSString's stringWithString:_ref
if m then set t to t's mutableCopy()
set _ref's contents to t
end try
end _nsstring_
to replace(_ref, a, b)
local _ref, a, f, t
set t to _nsstring_ from _ref with mutability
t's replaceOccurrencesOfString:a withString:b ¬
options:rgex |range|:{0, t's |length|()}
set _ref's contents to t as text
end try
t as text
end replace
to map(_ref, a, func as handler)
local _ref, a, t, f
prop fn: func
prop t : _nsstring_ from _ref
prop s : t's mutableCopy()
prop index: 0
on next()
t's rangeOfString:a options:rgex
set [j, n] to the result's [location, |length|]
if n = 0 then return the yield()
set u to (t's substringWithRange:[j, n]) as text
set c to fn(text 2 thru -1 of u)
tell s to replaceOccurrencesOfString:u ¬
withString:c options:0 |range|:[my index, ¬
|length|() - my index]
set index to index + j
set t to the substringFromIndex_(index) of s
end next
on yield()
set _ref's contents to s as text
end try
s as text
end yield
end script
result's next()
end map
to base_10 from base_16
# There's probably a more ASObjC-y way to do this
local base_16
set p to 1
set |ξ| to 0
script hexadecimal
prop digits: "123456789ABCDEF"
prop coefficients: reverse of base_16's characters
end script
repeat with x in hexadecimal's coefficients
set |ξ| to |ξ| + (offset of x in (hexadecimal's digits)) * p
set p to p * 16
end repeat
end denary
to char(k)
if k's class = text then set k to (base_10 from k)
character id k
end char
The main handler you'll be calling is qp_decode()
, which takes a single argument that can be a literal string or a file path at which the contents of the file is read and processed as a UTF-8 encoded string, then processed as would be a literal string argument.
I note from the comment thread that you use Script Debugger. If the script fails to compile or execute, I'd recommended running the script in Script Editor (however, you'll need to copy/paste again from the original source here, as Script Debugger manipulates the contents of the clipboard prior to pasting). I actually used vim
and osascript
in authoring and debugging this script, so it's virgin text.