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Highcharts Gantt Vertical Scrollbar Missing in Full Screen Mode

I'm having an issue with Highcharts Gantt 8.0.0 when viewing in fullscreen mode where the vertical scrollbar seems to be missing.

Highcharts.ganttChart('gchart-container', {
     // ... among other options, here are the related 
     // scrolling / exporting options being used

    scrollbar: {
       enabled: true
    exporting: {
            enabled: true,
            // just trying a few different things here ... 
            chartOptions: {
                xAxis: [{
                    max: null
            accessibility: {
                enabled: true
            menuItemDefinitions: {
                "viewFullscreen" : { 'text': 'View Full Screen'},
                "downloadPDF": { 'text' : 'Download PDF'},
                "downloadPNG": { 'text' : 'Download PNG'},
                "downloadJPEG": { 'text' : 'Download JPEG'}
            buttons: {
                contextButton: {
                    menuItems: ['viewFullscreen', 'separator', 'downloadPDF', 'downloadPNG', 'downloadJPEG']

There is no issue when viewing the chart in normal mode as it's rendered in the DOM's #gchart-container div (notice the browser's vertical scrollbar on the right).

enter image description here

Conversely, when clicking the export button and selecting "View in Fullscreen" I have full functionality of the task hierarchy (expanding/collapsing) but vertical scrolling is disabled or removed...

enter image description here

Any ideas on how to enable vertical scrolling during exporting/fullscreen mode? Thank you in advance!


  • It looks like a bug. I reported it on the official Highcharts issue channel. Below is a link to follow this thread. If you need the workaround please speak up under this ticket on GH - the core developers should respond to you.

    Link to issue: