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Can Bootstrap's Tooltip be made to support both HTML and non-HTML titles?

Bootstrap's Tooltip in general works via the title and data-title attributes of the element. I can specify HTML code via the data-html="true" attribute, so for example

<a href="..." data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" title="<b>First Line:</b><br>Second Line.">...</a>

Which renders fine via the Tooltip plugin:

element tooltip with JS enabled

But the problem arises when JavaScript is disabled; in this case the browser shows the raw value of the title attribute and in essence the raw HTML, which to the end user looks quite bad:

element title with JS disabled

Is there a way to implement graceful degradation for tooltips containing HTML? Such that an HTML-containing value will be used by the plugin, but simple, clear-text value used by default by the browser (when Bootstrap tooltips are not enabled or when JS is not enabled).


  • I ended up implementing a custom transformation before enabling the Bootstrap's tooltips. The transformation removes the title attribute from the target element and leaves only the "rich" data-title attribute. When JS is disabled, this code will have no effect, the data-title attribute will have no effect, and the browser will pick the plain-text title attribute up.

    $('[data-toggle="tooltip"][title][data-title]').each(function() {
        this.setAttribute('data-simple-title', this.getAttribute('title'));
    $(document).tooltip({ selector: '[data-toggle="tooltip"]' });