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How to inject interceptor Jar file to spring?

I would like to intercept RestTemplate by adding interceptor to Spring. However, I would like to implement this as a separated JAR file and when I inject this jar to any spring project, it should be worked.

When I implement interception in directly to project it is working. However, if I create a jar file from it and add a project it is not working.

Any help will be appreciated.

  public ClientHttpResponse intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] body, ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {
    ClientHttpResponse response = execution.execute(request, body);
    return response;

  public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
    List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> clientHttpRequestInterceptors = new ArrayList();
    return this.RestTemplate;


  • In runtime, Spring boot doesn't really care whether the bean definition comes from the Jar or defined "directly in project" ( I assume you mean in the artifact that contains Spring boot application class with a "main" method.

    However, since by default spring boot has a very well defined policy of configuration scanning, its possible that you've placed the configuration in a different package, and that could be a reason that spring boot doesn't load the rest template bean.

    So you can place the configuration in package that will be a subpackage of spring boot application. For example:

    public class MyApplication {
       public void main();

    Then you can place the rest template configuration in but not in

    If you do want to use different package you should use spring factories as a more flexible alternative. Read about spring factories Here


    1. Create META-INF/spring.factories file in resources of your jar

    2. In that file create a mapping of

    3. Create in your jar:

    public class MyConfig {
       public RestTemplate restTemplate() {
          // customize with interceptors

    If you see that it clashes with other autonfiguration you can use @AutoConfigureAfter annotation.