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GSM Telit GL865-QUAD AT command, error: 314 (SIM card busy)

I'm trying to communicate with GSM click module (Telit GL865-QUAD module) via UART with AT command. First I want to read all received messages, but for some reason I got error 314, meaning that SIM card is busy. Other answers from GSM are ok.

So this is my config (sending few at commands in a row):

  1. AT\r\n (check GSM)
  2. ATE0\r\n (echo disable)
  3. AT+CMGF=1\r\n (set SMS text mode)
  4. AT+IPR?\r\n (query current baud rate)
  5. AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"\r\n (finally read all messages)

All commands have 1 second delay after gsm get positive (OK) answer. For example: send AT\r\n wait for OK and then wait 1 second; after that delay send another AT command.

Result: I got fine response from GSM when I sent first 4 AT command. But after the fifth one the modem returns error 310 (sometimes) followed by error 314:



+CMS ERROR: 314\r\n

I tried it with 2 different SIM cards and got same result.

Any idea or comment are welcome.


  • I found what was problem. Power supply for GSM did not have enough Amps.. For GSM you must provide 3.3V and 3A from power supply unit. GSM don't have 6.5W power consumption if you think that GSM need 3A all the time. GSM have peaks of current up to 2A and thats why you need more Amps.