I'm starting to work with Azure and tried these steps:
- task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
with a template with parameters. How do I satisfy the paramters from the variable groups?You can have a try using overrideParameters parameter for the task to override your ARM template's parameters with the variables defined in your variable groups. Check here for more parameters about this task.
- task: AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment@3
azureResourceManagerConnection: <connection>
overrideParameters: -storageAcctName azurerg -Username $(vmusername) -azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre)
For accessing AzureKeyVault, you can also use Azure Key Vault task to get your secrets in your build pipeline, or integrate KeyVault to your ARM template as @Daniel Mann pointed out. Check here for Microsoft official tutorial.